CoinTool— Send Ether and Ethereum Tokens to Multiple Ethereum Addresses In A Single Transaction [CoinTool Vs MultiSender]

1 min readFeb 4, 2021


In this review, I will be comparing the two projects. At the end of this article, we’ll all know the project with the most unique functions.

The next project on StateOfthedapps that has the same function as CoinTool is Multisender.

What Is CoinTool Token BatchSender?

CoinTool Token BatchSender is simply a project that lets its users send Ethereum, and Ethereum tokens to different Ethereum addresses in a single transaction. Yes, I gave it the same definition as Multisend because they have the same function. However, the project owner gave it the same meaning in a different way. He defined in different ways and they are as follows; “A token Multisender Dapp smart contract, Airdrop tokens sender, and batch sending ERC20, ETH, Ethereum tokens, and send thousands of transfers in a few transactions”.

CoinTool Vs MultiSender

Fees : CoinTool 0.015 eth MultiSender 0.09 eth

